ESP32 I2C LCD 1602 Display Project

Traffic light with LCD display controlled by ESP32

Objective of this project:

The objective of this project is to create a traffic light following these steps:

  • The red LED lights up for 3 seconds, displaying “Stop” on the LCD display.
  •  After 3 seconds the red LED goes out and another green LED lights up, also for 3 seconds, displaying “Cross”
  • Once the green LED is off, a third, orange LED lights up for 2 seconds, displaying “Cross quickly”.
  • Then the program resumes in a loop.

Necessary components

  • ESP32
  • Green LED
  • Yellow LED
  • Red LED
  • Connecting wires

  • LCD display


To carry out the assembly, you can connect:

LEDs :

  • the terminal (+) of green LED to pin D18 of the ESP32 board

  • the yellow LED (+) terminal to pin D5 of the ESP32 board

  • the red LED (+) terminal to pin D2 of the ESP32 board

  • the terminal (-) of each LED has GND of the ESP32 board

For display LCD:

  • the SCL pin to pin D22 of the ESP32 board

  • the SDA pin to the D21 pin of the ESP32 board

  • the VCC pin to 5v of energy

  • the GND to GND pin of the ESP32 board

Arduino program

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